In the last post (part 1), I discussed some of the possible impediments, or pieces of marble, to be removed in order to reveal that statue underneath. In this post, I will switch focus to the characteristic abilities of the “statue”. They are Consciousness, Knowing, Character, and Abilities.
Students of Mystery School training work extensively to improve across these four pillars to very advanced levels. To give you a sense of what I mean, I will outline what is meant by Abilities.
Creating — this involves manifesting and other related abilities. It is the esoteric equivalent of creating a business!
Healing — in the specific sense of “making whole”. It is not just about people. It refers to everything you can imagine.
Influencing — visibly and invisibly. This is about education and leadership, in their true senses.
Transmuting — this refers to all forms of change, development and evolution.
Enlightening — again, this covers a variety of things, one of which is literally bringing light to people, other forms of life, places and situations.
Would you believe that you can possess very high levels of these Abilities by simply removing impediments in your life? Well, not so simple, but powerful indeed. In what ways to you see Abilities in yourself? I will spend time in future posts discussing how to see these more clearly — and ultimately become your own master sculptor.