The havaya energy is so potent… a space of deep receptivity and interconnectedness… The archetype that best embodies havaya or the greatest context — the highest possible context for this — the nectar, the medicine, the elixir, the garden. In Hindu mythology there’s a miraculous substance known as Amrit, or nectar that contains infinite healing power. This golden nectar or sacred elixir is the drink of immortality. Like its sister substance, Soma is known to activate subtle, intelligent forces that ease the mind, body and spirit. So esoteric these images lead us to the central energy of this archetype — the sweet, potent, heavenly essence, that lubricates our spirit back to life. The nectar causes us to identify and relish in places, practices, people and activities that generate and heal. Medicine is needed, and it comes in a subtle form that you may be overlooking.
Seek the most sensuous fragrant flower and the garden you have forgotten. Don’t underestimate this remedy. It is said when someone who has activated this substance within, it is reflected in their shimmering eyes. The nectar — the mystic. It is the mystic who like Krishna turns poison into nectar. And it is truth that can often serve as a potent elixir for healing since the nectar within you, dripping from the crown, the head and pacifying the brain. Let it drip down the spine like sweet honey. A light glowing relaxation, subtle elimination — as opposed to fixation on fixing, an aggressive approach to healing — oh so delicate. That is havaya. The sweet nectar that is havaya. It feels good to say you know. So fitting to my experience with havaya, with even the concept of eazing.
So often we think of healing as something that is done. I imagine people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars getting trained in all different types of modalities. I’ve been trained in psychedelic sitter schools, reading human design charts or reading jinkies. All these systems and structures — really beautiful and extremely valuable. But what I feel with the nectar is that subtlety — there’s this practice and this medicine that is so abundant and that it is often overlooked. This is the nectar of havaya — presence, relaxation, letting go into the moment, even within a collective context, in a way that allows for the potency of possibility and purpose to come forward or emerge.
We all came together for that shared purpose. Over the course of three days, we watched people float in and out, inner tensions became outer, and each part was so beautifully interconnected. Connected to what was then the act of creation in and of itself. I don’t want to get too mental with my understanding — I am piecing it together, deconstructing my experience because it comes to that willingness and ability to surrender, to let go and simply be present in a collective field with intention, with purpose and with principle. I think through presence and relationship, and over time, those principles became more and more clear. Even the name of ‘eazer’ — speaks to this. Some of the living principles — the very apparent principles that give form to the formless experience that is a unique one — there wasn’t a question about the feelings that were in my body and how different they were from when I entered inside. The presence in the space was one where I could sit in and relax into myself. Relax into the shared space without having to do or be or say anything. The practice of not having to prove anything or accomplish anything was deeply challenging — not because of the intention or the way that the experience was set up but because of my own relationship to being that free, to just be as I was in that moment and to do it in relationship with others. When the training commenced and we got into a creative space of what the next week’s training version would look like — that itself represents the havaya experience. I think about how often I’ve facilitated and consulted for companies, particularly startups. We have all these modalities like design thinking as an example of steps and practices and protocols and processes that you use to move through the creative process in order to get to the end goal in a finite amount of time in order to accomplish that thing that is of value. Those practices are beautiful and effective, however in the havaya space, the level of trust within myself that it actually took to relax and deeply surrender to what emerged was so present. I trusted that what was unknown and unseen would be made known and made visible, In time, under the right conditions, through a collective holding of the possibility of what could come.
This orientation is not for beginners. The subtlety of this practice is so relevant and so timely and so permeating. It is so against the mental conditioning, tracks and systems that have controlled or at least crafted our perspective on things like creativity, easily missed by those that have not come to a place of practice within themselves and within their world. To be moved and shaped and formed, to be able to deconstruct the scaffolding of the past and to reconstruct scaffolding in each present moment in the field of havaya and to take what has been created out into the world with them.
Abundance — cups and cups overflowing. This organization was constructed for those that can really come into relationship with the field and the entity that is the invisible nature. The ethos — to help bring it down into material form in an embodied way but also in a collective nature. Deep, deep wisdom and systems of love that are coming in a new way, presenting a new form of speaking and sharing and creating one’s and our collective truths. Abundant successes are here. They’re met with the energies of virtue, and the ace of wands.
Justin Taylor “The Startup Shaman”