the havaya orientation experienceThe havaya energy is so potent… a space of deep receptivity and interconnectedness… The archetype that best embodies havaya or the…Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021
Science: A Double-edged SwordScience is a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. It gives, but it also takes away. On the one hand, it points us towards a greater…Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
The Marble and the Statue (part 2 of 2)In the last post (part 1), I discussed some of the possible impediments, or pieces of marble, to be removed in order to reveal that statue…Dec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
My work is loving the worldMary Oliver always says it right. With Thanksgiving upon us, her poem Messenger struck a beautiful chord with me. She creates an image and…Nov 26, 20201Nov 26, 20201
There is an ancient, structured school of thought and development called a Mystery School.A good metaphor for this is the marble and the statue. The masterpiece statue already exists; it is the work of the master sculptor to…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Is there intelligent life on Earth?If you were asked “Is there intelligent life?” you would probably assume that the question refers to life somewhere else in the universe…Nov 18, 20203Nov 18, 20203